Friday 1 March 2024


Those who can, Teach!

The day is over. At least it is for my Grade 5 class, because the rooms are empty and there is the unusual  silence that only occurs at this time of day. There is also the drained feeling of heaviness and relief. It's as though my body which was tightly wound for several hours finally had the permission to sink into its natural rhythm. As we used to say in pidgin English when I was a teen, I am degassed, devoid of gas or fuel, and I've realized something. It isn't so much the teaching that tires me out; it isn't the constant movement or the talking or the modeling or the heightened state of attentiveness. For me it is the learning. Teaching has to be synonymous with learning, right? Learning about what works for each child, what doesn't work, who needs more or less of what, and why. It is exhausting but I love it. As I watch tired teachers settle at their desks to begin their preparations for the next day, I wonder if they feel as I do, and I smile. They have to love it, otherwise how could we possibly get ready to do it all over again tomorrow? 


  1. Oh boy I remember this feeling so well. I have been retired for some time now but your writing takes me back to my classrooms at the end of the day. Just sitting for a moment to relax and release from the day. I think those who teach indeed love it.

  2. As our spring break is almost over, and I think about the herculean clouds shrouding my senses, your post comes as a sunny streak, we all love it to do it all over again, teaching is indeed our true calling.

  3. Oh gosh, yes. How could we possibly continue to go back every day if it wasn't all worth it. Wonderful way to put all the feelings of teaching into a slice.

  4. When I get home from work, I park my car and just sit for a few minutes, staring off into space, before I can muster the energy to come inside and start the evening routine. My brain is so full after a day of teaching! I love how your slice deepens my understanding of why that might be: because I have actually learned a tremendous amount over any given day of teaching!
