Wednesday 21 March 2018

Discovery 3 (An excerpt)

Aisha loved music, and despite her shyness she had no qualms dancing in a large group of people when the music moved her. She knew at once that the darkness of the disco worked to her advantage…she would have no problem letting go of her inhibitions here! In no time at all, the young men and women had paired off; it was unheard of for same sex couples to dance ‘bone to bone’, as it was disparagingly referred to. Ladies who were not invited to dance had to endure the humiliation of sitting out song after danceable song.  

At some point in the evening, Aisha sat chatting with one of the girls in their group, when a boy whom Mohammed and Muni obviously knew appeared at their table. Even though it was quite dark in the disco, Aisha could make out a nice looking, bespectacled boy. After chatting with Muni and Mohammed for a bit he turned his attention to her and asked for a dance. 
“Who, me?” she almost mouthed foolishly. 
Aisha could not help wondering how and why on earth he’d singled her out in the darkness, but she got herself together quickly and followed him on to the dance floor.

The meeting was inauspicious enough, but their future relationship was to be anything but. From the first moment they laid eyes on each other, Ali and Aisha’s lives were to be entangled in a way that they could never have imagined. Mercifully, the two sweet young people had no idea what lay in store for them in the decades to come. Had they an inkling, the story would have ended right there. But they didn’t, so on that balmy night on the dance floor at the Apollonia Discotheque, the die was well and truly cast.

1 comment:

  1. Aha - perhaps a novel in the works - or similar creative writing? - well done - keep dancing
