Friday 23 March 2018

Blessed moments

It’s been a tiring day but blessed day. Work as usual, but a lot more activity over the past couple of days owing to a visiting consultant and the usual series of meetings and workshops we were obliged to attend. Nothing too unusual. Not the scorching sunlight; not the noisy kids nor the mildly irritating to-ing and fro-ing from the defective printer in the book room 10 yards away from my classroom made this day any different from hundreds of other Fridays.

However, thanks to the Slice of Life challenge, I remembered to press the pause button from moment to moment to appreciate the little nuggets that are dotted through every ordinary day. I found the blessed moments. Today I am thankful for uncomplicated friendship, the meeting of minds and for shared, comforting wisdom that helps us realize we aren’t really crazy after all.


  1. It is always good to stop and realize the blessings we have in each and every day.

  2. The "uncomplicated friendship" can be de-stressing and offer the respite one needs.

  3. Loved that first paragraph, especially "to-ing and fro-ing".
